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Day One Distributes Free Bicycles Through Metro Adopt a Bike Program

Published on Friday, March 15, 2024 | 5:52 am

Pasadena-headquartered nonprofit Day One has started distributing free bicycles through the Metro Adopt a Bike Program. The program aims to redistribute unclaimed bicycles from Metro’s bus and rail systems and other properties to residents of Pasadena, Pomona, and El Monte.

Through Adopt a Bike, Metro offers mini-grant funding opportunities to community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, and nonprofits, such as Day One, to help distribute these bikes back into the community and provide increased sustainable mobility options to people?who cannot afford a personal bicycle.

The Adopt a Bike Program was established following a directive from Metro’s Board meeting in August 2020. It was initially launched as a pilot program, and has since become a permanent bi-annual mini-grant program.

Nearly 5,000 unclaimed bicycles are found within the Metro system annually. Previously, these bicycles were auctioned off, but the program now ensures they are provided free of charge to those who require them, especially among resource-challenged communities and individuals experiencing homelessness. So far, the program has distributed 1,587 bikes across the county.

The distribution of bicycles is conducted on a first-come, first-served basis, with Day One aiming to distribute up to 12 bikes each month. Interested individuals can sign up for the waiting list on Day One’s website,

Day One has been taking an active role in Pasadena’s campaign to encourage active transportation and make the city’s streets safer for pedestrians, drivers and bicyclists.

With statistics from the City of Pasadena and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health indicating that traffic crashes are among the leading causes of premature deaths for children, young adults and adults, Day One has been actively involved in projects aimed at encouraging the community to reduce car usage and embrace alternative modes of transportation.

By prioritizing safe routes and promoting active transportation, Day One is playing a crucial role in making Pasadena a healthier and more accessible community for all residents.

For more information about Metro’s Adopt A Bike Program, visit

To learn more about Day One’s programs, visit

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