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Edwin Diaz Responds to Early Measure CC Results

Preliminary Results Show 52.46% of Voters Approved Parcel Tax

Published on Wednesday, May 5, 2010 | 3:52 pm

Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) Superintendent Edwin Diaz made the following statement in response to early results of the Measure CC election:

“Based on early results from the Los Angeles County Registrar, the majority of Altadena, Pasadena and Sierra Madre voters supported public schools by voting in favor of Measure CC. It is unlikely that we’ll be able to make up the difference to meet the two-thirds majority required for approval. Although this is a disappointing result, I am profoundly grateful for the support of the parents, students, community members, employees, civic leaders and local organizations who believe so passionately in the value of public education and the vision for improvement at PUSD.

“This is a difficult time for all of us because everyone involved in the campaign has worked so hard. Had Measure CC met the two-thirds approval threshold, we would have had an opportunity to keep our libraries open, preserve teachers’ jobs and sustain the momentum of improving academic achievement.

Now, we must brace ourselves for some very difficult times ahead. The needs represented by the $23 million deficit haven’t gone away.

But the level and organization of the grassroots support, the passion with which volunteers embraced our schools, and the overwhelming support of our communities gives me hope.

We will move forward to line up our community assets to meet the needs of our students. We will keep this coalition going to provide the support that our schools need and that our students deserve.”
On Friday, the Board will hold a special study session to examine the implications of the election for the district budget.

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