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Cultural Heritage

Fabulous Women’s Fashions Through the Decades On Display

Published on Wednesday, January 27, 2016 | 7:12 pm

Clothing is a necessity of life. From intricate dresses to utilitarian jeans, our fashion history tells a story about who we are.

The Pasadena Museum of History’s runway-worthy take on women’s changing fashions begins in the 1890s. From the uncomfortable corsets and ornate bodices of the Gilded Age to the deconstructed freedom of the 1920s to the full skirts and bullet bras of the 1950s, fashion trends in Pasadena followed the rest of the country.

The exhibition gives viewers a chance to get up close and personal with 1950s day dresses, 1920 cocktail attire and underwear from the 1890s. Over 40 exquisite garments are on display.

Fabulous Fashion is curated by Dr. Elizabeth Smalley and Suzanne Ehrmann with assistance from Elissa De Angelo, Roberta Dumas, and Susan Stevens. A special introduction has been composed by Ann Erdman.

The Pasadena Museum of History is located at 470 West Walnut Street.

Admission to the exhibition galleries is $7 per person; Museum members and children under 12 are free. Free parking in the Museum lot and on Walnut Street. Exhibition galleries are open Wednesday through Sunday, Noon to 5:00 pm.

Visit for more details on this exhibition.


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