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Group Plans Car Rally in Pasadena Today to Oppose Proposition 16

Proposed measure would overturn the California Civil Rights Initiative

Published on Friday, August 28, 2020 | 12:09 pm

An organization dedicated to opposing the proposed Proposition 16 on the November ballot is planning a car rally in Pasadena Saturday.

Proposition 16 would rescind Proposition 209 of 1996, known as the California Civil Rights Initiative, which bars discrimination or preferential treatement in public employment, public education or public contracting based on a person’s race, ethnicity, sex or national origin.

Proponents say the legislation is needed to allow for institutions such as colleges to employ affirmative action to increase diversity.

But, the group behind Saturday’s planned car rally at 5:30 p.m. in the parking lot of Target, 3121 E. Colorado Blvd., said in a written statement that getting rid of Prop 209 would be harmful.

“Not only does Proposition 16 cite misleading evidence to paint America’s most progressive state as a place where minorities and women face systematic inequities, its proponents also incorrectly equate the bill with affirmative action,” according to the statement.

“In essence, Proposition 16 is about government preferences, and government preferences only. Built on partial evidence and shallow prescriptions for an unrealistic utopia, Proposition 16 is divisive and discriminatory,” according to the statement. “Its actual implementation will put a political band-aid over deeper socioeconomic challenges at best, and violate a series of federal and state laws. We must reject Proposition 16 and safeguard our hard-fought equality for all regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.”

The rally is to follow a dozen others hosted by the group throughout the state. Most recently, a car rally was held in Arcadia on Aug. 8.

More information is available on the organization’s website at

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