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High School Students March For Peace From Northwest Pasadena to City Hall

Published on Thursday, July 14, 2016 | 9:38 pm

Two John Muir High School students led nearly 100 others on a peace walk Thursday evening from La Pintoresca Park in Northwest Pasadena down to the steps of City Hall.

The organizers, identified only as 16-year old Jewel T. and Sydney C., said they wanted to express their feelings about the events happening to people of color across the country as well as for the police officers who lost their lives in Dallas.

As student marchers gathered, Jewel told the gathering “we came here … because of everything going that’s been going on in society. We are tired of the injustice and the police brutality. We just want positivity and … an end to the violence.”

Her co-organizer Sydney said they “just want success and education among minorities.”

“We want minorities to participate in the community more,” he added.

It took about a week to organize event. The marchers were aged 14 to 17 years old.

The group began walking from La Pintoresca Park at 6 p.m., heading south along North Fair Oaks Avenue to Colorado Boulevard, then along Colorado Boulevard to Garfield Avenue, and along Garfield Avenue to City Hall.

The students organizing the peace walk call their movement ‘Youth for Peace’ and said their mission is to unite as young minorities to erase any fear or hate from the community towards law enforcement, as well as law enforcement towards them.

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