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LA Autism Walk Hosts 40,000 Attendees and Raises Over $1.8M for Autism

Published on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 | 5:25 pm

40,000 community autism supporters united for a single cause at the 11th annual Los Angeles Walk Now for Autism Speaks at the Pasadena Rose Bowl on Saturday, April 20, 2013. The event raised more than $1.8M for autism.

Powered by volunteers and families with loved ones on the autism spectrum, this fundraising effort generates vital funds for autism research and raises awareness about the increasing prevalence of autism, the fastest-growing serious developmental disorder in the US, and the need for increased research funding to combat this complex disorder.

Notable walk attendees included:

Holly Robinson Peete: actress, co-author of My Brother Charlie and Autism Speaks National Board Member

Phillip Palmer: ABC7 Eyewitness News Anchor

Gabriella Teissier, Teresa Quevedo: Univision 34 Los Angeles news anchors, both have children on the autism spectrum

Tisha Campbell-Martin: actress, well known for playing “Gina” in the show Martin

Charlene Tilton: actress, well known for playing “Lucy” in Dallas

Kurt Yaeger: actor, currently plays “Greg the Peg” on Sons of Anarchy

Shawn Stockman: singer, well known as a member of Boyz II Men

Jamie Brewer: actress, well known for playing “Addie” on American Horror Story

Dee Walace Stone: actress, well known for playing “Mary,” Elliot’s mother, in E.T.

Erin Murphy: actress, well known for playing “Tabitha” in Bewitched

David Zimmerman: actor, credits include playing cousin “Dom Focker” in Meet the Fockers

Brian Gutierrez: State of California Councilmember, on the autism spectrum

For a tenth year, Palmer served as the Master of Ceremonies.

Registration began at 8 a.m. and entertainment and stage programs began at 9 a.m. Walk starts began at 9 a.m. and continued on a rolling basis every ten minutes through 11 a.m.

For more information on the LA Autism Walk, go to

Los Angeles Walk Now for Autism Speaks was presented by Vons.

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