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Lamar Expresses Gratitude and Optimism as Voting Count Updated

Published on Wednesday, March 6, 2024 | 4:59 pm

According to a statement released on Wednesday, District 3 Candidate Brandon Lamar remains upbeat as ballot counting continues countywide for the 2024 Primary Election. Lamar is hoping to unseat Incumbent Justin Jones in the special election to fill the remainder of the term left vacant by the passing of Councilmember John Kennedy. However, in the most recent update posted this afternoon, Jones increased his lead by 333 votes to take a 1013-680 lead. According to reports, less than 500 ballots remain uncounted in District 3.

“My team and I have worked very hard to maintain an effective and positive campaign. With the help of so many volunteers, we were able to speak to and reach thousands of neighbors throughout District 3. Even though I am not pleased with the first round of numbers, we remain optimistic as we await the final results,” Lamar said.

“I reiterate that District 3 is the most diverse district in the City of Pasadena. However, we also have the most complex needs within the city and our collective voting record shows that. We have the lowest voting turnout in the entire city. Even when compared to uncontested races, we still fall below. We must find innovative ways to engage residents to build their trust in local government. No matter the outcome of this race, I remain committed to seeing the District and the City I love thrive. As you can probably tell by my history, I will not give up. We cannot give up.”

Lamar’s campaign platform includes a commitment to growing affordable housing opportunities, increasing public safety, and addressing and preventing homelessness. It also pursues economic development and stability opportunities for small businesses.

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