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Listening Session on Local Measure Schedules Before District 6 Campaign Forum on Wednesday

Published on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 | 5:00 am

Campaign organizers for two local school initiatives that will be on the Nov. 5 ballot will hold a listening session before a candidates forum on Wednesday.

According to supporters, Measures R and EE will lead to facility upgrades, better technology and support for teachers.

“It is crucial for voters to be equipped with ‘accurate information’ about PUSD measures R and EE, so that we can make informed decisions when we exercise our right to vote on Nov. 5,” said Pasadena Unified School Board Member Michelle Richardson Bailey.

The listening session will begin at 6 p.m. at the Sierra Madre City Council Chambers, 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.

After the listening session, District 6 School Board candidates Tina Fredericks and Lisa Kroese will participate in a candidate forum.

A second listening session will take place from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday Oct. 15 at 2050 Lincoln Ave., Pasadena.

Two thirds of the voters must approve Measure EE. Measure R, a $900 million general obligation bond, requires 55% voter approval.

The bond measure specifically aims to fund upgrades to aging school facilities listed in the District’s master plan, which was approved by the Board in 2023. The parcel tax revenues will be used by the District to enhance its academic, visual, and performing arts programs and attract and retain qualified teachers and staff.

Some community members have raised concerns about the measures. A group known as Pasadena, Altadena, and Sierra Madre Voters for School Reform 2024 – No on Measures EE and R – opposes the initiatives, arguing that Pasadena Unified already spends more per student than most California districts without achieving better outcomes.

Opponents specifically mention Measure O, a tax measure passed in 2020, stating that its funds “remain significantly unissued or unspent.” This history, they argue, warrants scrutiny before more taxpayer money is allocated through new measures.

People 65 and over and certain homeowners receiving Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability Insurance could be exempted from the parcel tax.

Money from Measure R would also be used to build workforce housing.

The School Board voted 6-1 to move forward with a controversial workforce housing project at the site of Roosevelt Elementary School.

Approximately 115 units on District-owned property.

The project would create affordable housing for District employees and their families.

The project is expected to generate about $1.3 million in annual net operating income for the District. Some School Board Members expressed concern that this figure was lower than earlier projections of over $2 million.

The results of a workforce housing survey conducted last year revealed a significant need for affordable housing options for Pasadena Unified School District employees in Pasadena.

Findings also suggested that addressing the need could help attract and retain high-quality educators and staff.

The survey reported that most Pasadena Unified School District employees (70%) spend more than 30% of their income on housing, which is considered a high housing cost burden. The survey also reported the average monthly rent/mortgage paid by Pasadena Unified School District employees is $2,200.

Rent in the area is well over $3,000.

More than half of the respondents (56%) reported that they would be interested in living in District-owned rental housing units offered at below-market rent reserved for Pasadena Unified School District employees.

The report also said that “long commute times” were identified as a significant challenge for many Pasadena Unified School District employees, with 40% reporting that their commute time was more than 30 minutes each way.

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