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Matt Denny’s Kicks Off St Patrick’s Day with St. Baldrick’s Day

Published on Friday, March 15, 2013 | 11:40 am

Matt Denny’s was buzzing last night (literally) as he kicked off St Patrick’s Day weekend which for an Irish Pub, is like the Super Bowl, with their 11th annual St Baldrick’s Day Fundraiser for childhood cancer.

Matt Denny’s Ale House Restaurant and neighbor Del Sol Salon & Spa, both located in Arcadia, have been partners for the St. Baldrick’s Day event since 2002. “Since the inception of this event, we have raised over $350,000.00 for children’s cancer research” said Matt Denny’s proprietor, Matt McSweeny.

He added “The amount raised as of Thursday evening was $43,831.00 and we have a sizeable amount of donations that were turned in that have yet to be added to the total. This event ranks in the top of all events held at Matt Denny’s. With the help of Del Sol Salon, we shaved 132 heads. There were many men, lots of kids and a few women that were willing to have the hair shorn for this worthwhile cause.”

Many members of the Arcadia Fire and Police Department shaved and were a huge part of this event. Arcadia Fire Department transported 3 children with cancer from City of Hope to help shave those supporting their battle. The kids had a blast at the event.

Many Local groups were instrumental in making this event a success.
Holy Angels Catholic School $10,380.00
Sequoya School $9147.00
St. Rita Catholic School $5799.00

Top individual participants.
Dave Winchell $2203.00
Jaden and Gavin Harriman $1605.00
Paul Puccinelli $1575.00

For more information visit Matt Denny’s Ale House 145 Huntington Dr., Arcadia, (626) 462-0250 or online at

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