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Metro to Host Telephone Town Hall to Gather Input for 2025 Budget

Published on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 | 5:20 am

Pasadena residents and frequent Metro patrons will definitely find it useful to take part in Metro’s live and interactive Telephone Town Hall on Thursday, Oct. 19, so they could provide some input as the transportation agency plans its budget for the 2025 fiscal year.

The town hall begins at 6 p.m. and will take about an hour, Metro said in an announcement. 

The event will be an open platform for all participants, including those from Pasadena, to share their insights and suggestions on Metro’s initiatives, which encompass crucial aspects such as public safety, cleanliness, and the overall customer experience on the Metro transit system. Public participation is an integral component of shaping the budget in accordance with the community’s priorities.

Metro said it will use an innovative automated system to randomly contact approximately 100,000 residents from diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds across Los Angeles County, including Pasadena. Residents also have the option to pre-register for this event. 

When participants answer their phones, they will be automatically connected to Metro’s meeting in English, with a dedicated option for Spanish-speaking participants – they can choose Spanish as their preferred language for the discussion. This inclusive approach ensures that individuals can comfortably provide input and pose questions in their language of choice.

Pasadena residents and Metro patrons can register in advance for the Telephone Town Hall at Additional information on participation is available at

For those interested, the public may also join the meeting at the designated time using the following phone numbers:  (888) 400-1932 for English speakers, and (888) 400-9342 for Spanish speakers. 

The live audio webcasts for the event can be accessed via the following links:

These webcast links become active one hour before the event begins.

Those in need of ADA language accommodations or other assistance can call Metro at least 72 hours prior to the Telephone Town Hall meeting, at (323) 466-3876 or by reaching out to the California Relay Service at 711. 

Metro, The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, is the agency that plans, operates, and coordinates funding for most of the public transportation system in Los Angeles County, considered to be the most populated county in the United States. 

For more information, visit

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