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New Pasadena Police Chief Provided Updates on Department’s Transition to the California Incident Based Reporting System

Published on Friday, January 20, 2023 | 5:33 am
Pasadena Police Chief Eugene Harris

Pasadena and law enforcement agencies across the state last year transitioned to the new data collection system known as the California Incident-Based Reporting System (CIBRS).

The transition enabled law enforcement agencies to collect more in-depth information about specific incidents.

The system is an expansion of the FBI’s National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) from the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) standard. 

During the Public Safety Committee meeting on Wednesday, Pasadena Police Chief Eugene Harris said under the previous system, the hierarchy rule was used. 

Harris illustrated the ‘hierarchy rule’ with an example: if, in a hypothetical incident,  the victim was robbed, murdered and their home was burned down, only the murder would be counted for statistical purposes.

With the new system, Harris explained: “you get all things listed for category purposes and that’s the murder, robbery and arson.”

He said the new system also distinguishes between attempted and completed crimes, which UCR did not do previously.

He explained through CIBRS, policymakers, law enforcement, and members of the public will have more detailed information, context, and specificity about crimes committed within Pasadena. 

“The information will change to our benefit,” said Harris. “There will be more information.” 

Harris’s report was an information item only and did require Committee action.

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