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Norovirus Outbreak Hits Pasadena Wildfire Evacuation Shelter

28 evacuees fall ill as health officials confirm three positive cases at Red Cross facility

Published on Friday, January 17, 2025 | 1:37 pm

The Pasadena Public Health Department is responding to a Norovirus outbreak at the American Red Cross Pasadena Evacuation Shelter, where evacuees from the Eaton Fire are staying. Health officials confirmed three positive cases among a cluster of 28 people experiencing acute gastrointestinal illness at the Convention Center facility.

“The spread of illness in congregate living situations, including shelters, is unfortunately common given the close quarters and communal spaces,” according to a statement from the Pasadena Public Health Department.

The agency noted that the community has experienced higher than normal Norovirus levels this year.

Since the City transferred shelter operations to the American Red Cross on Saturday, January 10, health officials have worked closely with the organization to implement infection control measures. These include setting up handwashing stations, increasing restroom cleaning frequency, and using appropriate disinfectants to kill the virus.

“The spread of the illness has been minimal” due to mitigation efforts, Stephanie Fox, the Red Cross media relations lead, told the Los Angeles Times.

“The health and wellbeing of residents in our care is a top priority,” she added, noting that hand sanitizer is available at all fire evacuation sites, food handlers must wear gloves, and ill residents are being isolated from others.

The Pasadena Public Health Department warned that Norovirus can cause severe vomiting and diarrhea multiple times per day, along with stomach cramps.

The illness poses particular risks for young children, older adults, and those with existing health conditions, who may experience dehydration. Symptoms of dehydration include decreased urination, dry mouth and throat, and dizziness upon standing.

Most people recover from Norovirus within one to three days, according to the City of Pasadena statement.

However, young children showing signs of dehydration may cry with few or no tears and become unusually sleepy or fussy. Health officials emphasize that children with Norovirus must stay

The Health Department continues to support on-site medical teams from Kaiser Permanente and AltaMed in providing care to affected individuals.

Officials underscored that anyone at the shelter who is ill should be isolated immediately and receive appropriate medical attention. The department will continue to monitor the situation closely to prevent further spread of the virus.

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