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Park Watch: Park Safety Tips from the Pasadena Police Department

Published on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 | 2:10 pm

As the Holidays fast approach, and schools adjourn, we encourage our community to enjoy the various parks in our city. The Pasadena Police Department would like to remind parents, guardians and caretakers that providing oversight while your child is using our parks and recreational facilities is always a good idea. Some safety tips you may want to consider, include:

Be alert for person(s) who seem or appear intoxicated

A stranger stopping in a car to beckon a child

Juveniles congregating in a dark or hidden area of the park

Someone painting graffiti on park property

Persons who are lingering around parked cars or tampering with car doors.

Make sure to keep your child(ren) in sight while at the park

Accompany your child/toddler to the restroom.

Make sure grandparents have a cell phone handy when taking the grandkids to the park.

REMEMBER: “If you see something, say something.”

Happy Holidays from the Pasadena Police Department

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