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Pasadena Bar Association Hosts 3rd Annual Speech Scholarship Contest

Jessica Demasi (17), a second time competitor in the PBA Speech Scholarship contest and a senior at Maranatha High school, took 1st place and a $5,000 scholarship! Abel DeCastro (16), a junior at Arcadia High School, took the 2nd place prize of a $2,000 scholarship.

Published on Monday, May 13, 2013 | 1:20 pm

The Pasadena Bar Association (PBA) hosted the 3rd Annual Speech Scholarship Contest, Co-Founded by Donald P. Schweitzer, current PBA president, and Steven Yee, 2011 PBA president on May 9, 2013 at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium.

The contest invited high school students throughout Los Angeles County to participate for a chance to win the $5,000 scholarship for the first-place winner.

The event co-founders, Donald P. Schweitzer and Steven Yee, designed the event by embodying the PBA’s mission of professional development and improvement, and paired it with the goal of inspiring the community’s youth who have a passion for speech and debate. The tournament provides students with an opportunity to perform under the review of the community’s top lawyers, judges, leaders and dignitaries.

“I’ve always had a passion for public speaking, speech and debate, so when Steven Yee and I were challenged a few years ago to come up with an exciting theme for the annual PBA Law Day, we thought well why not involve the youth, make it competitive and fun, and give them an opportunity to shine in front of some of Pasadena’s dignitaries,” said Donald P. Schweitzer, PBA president and founder & partner of the Law Offices of Donald P. Schweitzer.

The final round, in which two high school students: Jessica Demasi and Abel DeCastro competed head-to-head in front of more than 150 of the areas top lawyers, leaders, and dignitaries, including Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey took place in the PBA’s Annual Law Day Luncheon at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium.

Jessica Demasi (17), a second time competitor in the PBA Speech Scholarship contest and a senior at Maranatha High school, took 1st place and a $5,000 scholarship! Abel DeCastro (16), a junior at Arcadia High School, took the 2nd place prize of a $2,000 scholarship.

For more information about the Pasadena Bar Association, visit


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