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Pasadena-based Kaiser Permanente Joins Safe Routes to School National Partnership in Fire Up Your Feet Expansion

Published on Thursday, March 28, 2013 | 5:48 pm

Pasadena-based Kaiser Permanente today announced that they have joined the Safe Routes to School National Partnership and the National PTA in the expansion of Fire Up Your Feet, now a major component of their Thriving Schools program.

Fire Up Your Feet, a recognized program of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Active Schools initiative, is an online walking and physical activity program that encourages staff, teachers, students and their families to walk or bike to and from school and to incorporate more physical activity into the school day, according to a news statement.

Thriving Schools is a partnership for students, staff and teachers that offer offers online resources at no cost. The site provides a place to share ideas and success stories, as well as spark creative innovation and change that can strengthen the health and well-being of schools, according to the statement.

Thriving Schools will deepen and expand partnerships and programs, aiming to make good health a part of everyday life for the estimated 50 million school-age children and more than 6 million school workers and teachers who spend their days at schools, hospital officials said.

Through this multi-year initiative for K-12 students, Kaiser Permanente will support the efforts of local schools, school districts, public agencies, and nonprofits to encourage healthy eating and physical activities to, from and at schools.

“Our children are tomorrow’s future. We want to make sure they are cared for and happy. Our focus is getting them there by building a solid foundation for a healthy and happy life,” said Angela Coron, MPH, managing director, Community Benefit, Kaiser Permanente Southern California.

Obesity is an epidemic, with two-thirds of the U.S. adult population and one-third of children overweight or obese. Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes as an adult, which is why it is so crucial to encourage healthy behaviors at an early age.

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