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Pasadena City College Announces “Mostly Online” Coursework for 2021 Winter Intersession and Spring Semesters

College said only limited face-to-face instruction in the upcoming semesters

Published on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 | 3:30 pm

Pasadena City College announced Tuesday that the school will continue on with “mostly online” coursework and “limited face-to-face instruction in the upcoming 2021 winter intersession and the spring semester.

“While there is nothing we would love more than seeing all of our students on campus, it still is not safe, and we do not have any indication that a vaccine will be available or widespread enough by the start of Spring to make a different decision at this point in time,” PCC said in a post on the college’s Facebook page.

Several other colleges have already made similar decisions over the past week, at the urging of California Community Colleges Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley, according to the statement. “He cited the CSU decision to remain online in Spring 2021 and the likely decision of the UC system to remain online as well.”

“We understand this announcement could come as a surprise to some, but we hope it helps provide clarity about PCC’s plans for the remainder of this academic year,” the PCC statement said. “If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact your professor, academic dean, or counselor.”

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