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Pasadena Community Gardens Conservancy’s Seeds of Transformation Kick Off Party

Published on Monday, March 6, 2017 | 3:08 pm

Friends and patrons of Pasadena Community Gardens Conservancy gathered last week at a private estate in San Marino for dinner and conversation with experts concerned with health and nutrition among Pasadena’s most underserved children and families. The cocktails-and-dinner event served as a preview and kick-off for The Conservancy’s April 29 garden party, Seeds of Transformation: a Tuscan Feast, to be held at the Henry A. Robinson House, a 1905 Greene & Greene estate on the Arroyo. Chef Bruce Kalman of Pasadena’s Union Restaurant, will be on hand to prepare and serve his signature dishes, from SoCal’s best meatballs to his famous grilled octopus, lemon chicken, and pastas. Tickets begin at $150.

The Conservancy, a local foundation begun by 30 Pasadena, San Marino, and La Canada community leaders, has financed four community and school gardens in the past four years and underwrites a full-time Master Gardener to help reduce obesity and diabetes among Pasadena’s 12,000 low-income public-school students.

PCGC also has created partnerships with local institutions, including the Huntington Library, for teacher training and botanical-education field trips. The group is currently raising funds to build an additional 6 public-school gardens to serve children and families and expand nutritional and botanical offerings.

For more information, visit, or email

Pasadena Community Gardens Conservancy is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to building school and community gardens to improve the health of Northwest Pasadena’s underserved children and families. It is now now supporting four gardens and a full-time Master Gardener for the Pasadena public schools.





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