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Pasadena Jewish Community to Celebrate 8 Days of Hanukkah Starting Thursday

Published on Monday, December 4, 2023 | 5:53 am

The Pasadena Jewish Community will celebrate the eight-day Hanukkah or the “Jewish Festival of Lights” starting Thursday, December 7.

This Jewish holiday commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem during the second century B.C. 

The festival, which lasts for eight days, highlights the lighting of the menorah, a candelabrum with seven branches used in Jewish worship.

The symbolic gesture is done to celebrate the Miracle of the Oil lasting eight days. One candle is lit each night for eight days.

The holiday also involves the exchange of gifts, the playing of games, and the consumption of foods that are fried in oil, such as latkes and sufganiyot.

Chabad of Pasadena will be celebrating the holiday every night of Hanukkah with a different program.

“We have public menorah lightings at Paseo Colorado and The Shops at Santa Anita,” said Rabbi Chaim Hanoka, executive director of Chabad of Pasadena. 

Rabbi Hanoka said the events will enable the public to express their unity and their appreciation for this holiday in a very communal way.

“The fact that we have these big public events unifies the community because it brings people from all walks of life, literally on all levels of religiosity, together for these events.”

Chabad of Pasadena will be providing free menorahs to those who do not have them, said Rabbi Hanoka.

For more information about upcoming events, visit:

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