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Pasadena Summit Touts Vaccines in the Face of Growing Concern

Published on Monday, April 20, 2009 | 5:33 am

Two medical advocacy organizations are sponsoring a summit in Pasadena today and Tuesday focused on “Strengthening Trust in Vaccines” in the face of growing numbers of people fearful that inoculations cause childhood autism.

The groups say the event at the Pasadena Hilton will provide a forum for health professionals (physicians, pharmacists, nurses, health educators, clinic administrators, non-profit directors) from throughout California to obtain the latest information on immunization issues.

The Summit is jointly sponsored by the California Immunization Coalition (CIC) and the Perinatal Advisory Council – Leadership, Advocacy, and Consultation (PAC/LAC)

Nationally recognized speakers including Paul Offit, MD, Chief of Infectious Diseases and the Director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Litjen (LJ) Tan, PhD, Director of Medicine and Public Health at the American Medical Association are scheduled to speak.

The organizers say the summit’s objective is to provide information on strategies and trends related to improving immunization rates.

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