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Pasadena to Host More Public Meetings on Short-Range Transit Plan Update

City seeks community feedback on next five years of Pasadena Transit and Dial-A-Ride services

Published on Monday, April 29, 2024 | 6:22 am

The City of Pasadena Department of Transportation will continue hosting public meetings to gather community input for the Short Range Transit Plan update. The meetings will provide an opportunity for residents to offer feedback on the future of Pasadena Transit and Pasadena Dial-A-Ride services over the next five years.

Following the first meeting was held on Saturday, April 27, next up is a virtual general meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 1 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., accessible via the link This online format allows residents to contribute their thoughts and suggestions remotely.

On Thursday, May 2, a focus meeting specifically tailored for older adults and persons with disabilities will take place at the Pasadena Senior Center from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. This session aims to address the unique transportation needs of these community members.

For Spanish-speaking residents, a meeting conducted entirely in Spanish will be held on Saturday, May  from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Washington Park Community House. This ensures that language barriers do not hinder participation in the planning process.

The final focus meeting, targeting the youth population, is scheduled for Tuesday, May 7 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Jackie Robinson Recreation Center Multipurpose Room, located at 1081 N. Fair Oaks Ave. This session seeks to incorporate the perspectives and needs of younger transit users.

The City indicated that the Short Range Transit Plan update is a crucial step in shaping the future of public transportation in Pasadena. By actively seeking community input, the City aims to develop a comprehensive and inclusive plan that effectively serves the diverse needs of its residents. To learn more about the meetings, visit

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