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Pasadena Unified Announces Leadership Transition in Special Education Department

Published on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 | 6:32 am

Dr. Jovan Jacobs, Associate Superintendent of Specialized Student Support/Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) at Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD), has accepted a promotional position outside of PUSD, effective February 6, 2024, according to a statement from Interim Superintendent Dr. Elizabeth Blanco.

Jacobs, who joined PUSD in July 2021, played a pivotal role in supporting students during the pandemic, leading the transition from remote to in-person learning and expanding inclusive practices, Dr. Blanco said in an email. Jacobs’ contributions also included the development of a new strategic plan focusing on inclusive environments.

To ensure continuity of services, Carol Higa, a retired special education administrator from the Los Angeles County Office of Education, will lead the department and support Special Education Director Alma Ellis until a new leader is selected in late spring. Additionally, retired SELPA Director Trena Sprulock will assist with SELPA compliance reports.

Dr. Blanco announced that the PUSD Special Education Department is set to undergo a reorganization to enhance services to students, families, and school sites. 

The title of Associate Superintendent, Specialized Student Support/SELPA will be retired, and the next PUSD Superintendent will hire an Executive Director of Special Education, planned to begin in June.

The reorganization includes the placement of Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSAs) at high schools to provide direct instructional and technical support to teachers and nurture relationships with students and their families. The HELP line will be reactivated to promptly respond to the school and PUSD community, according to Dr. Blanco.

As two new coordinators are onboarded, a new organizational chart will be shared with the staff and community in March, she said.

The department is also conducting a Special Education review with a team of ‘seasoned experts’ in the field of Special Education systems, compliance, and programs, with focus groups being scheduled for parent participation.

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