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Pasadena Unified School Board Orders Repairs to Marshall Fundamental Gym Caused by Arson

Board unanimously approved $305,000 in emergency funds to repair damage from a fire reportedly set by a student

Published on Friday, May 31, 2024 | 5:21 am

The Pasadena Unified School District Board of Education voted unanimously at its most recent meeting to repair $305,000 in damage to the Marshall Fundamental Secondary School gymnasium following an arson fire on February 27.

The fire, intentionally set inside the gym, activated sprinklers and caused smoke and water damage to the floor and adjacent classrooms, temporarily displacing some classes.

Pasadena Fire Department firefighters responded to a fire alarm at the school at 990 N. Allen Ave. around 10:10 a.m. and found smoke emanating from the gym with multiple sprinklers activated.

Fire operations significantly damaged” the gym floor and adjacent rooms.

“A student was detained for questioning. The specifics of the incident remain confidential while law enforcement investigates,” Principal Lori Touloumian acknowledged in an email at the time.

Police said the suspect, a 13-year-old student, was seen by a witness leaving the area where the fire started as alarms sounded. The student, still on campus when officers arrived, was positively identified by the witness, according to Lt. Edgar Sanchez.

Fire officials said one teacher was evaluated at the scene for smoke inhalation but did not require hospitalization. Classes normally held in damaged rooms were relocated pending repairs.

The Board resolution authorizes the District to contract for repairs without adhering to standard bidding procedures, citing an emergency. 

“The District’s Superintendent, or her designee, is authorized and directed to make a contract in writing on behalf of the District and/or to use day labor or force account without reference to Public Contract Code Section 20114 for the performance of the work, including all labor and furnishing of all materials or supplies…” the measure states. 

The resolution requires the approval of the Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools.

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