Pasadena Water and Power is submitting its 2022 Public Health Goals (PHG) Report to the City Council’s Municipal Services Committee on Tuesday, Nov. 8, as required by the California Environmental Protection Agency, under the California Health and Safety Code, of community water utilities like PWP.
The City Council is expected to conduct a public hearing and receive public comment on PWP’s recommended 2022 PHG Report in early December, before authorizing it to be forwarded to CalEPA.
The PHG Report describes what’s in Pasadena’s drinking water: the ‘occurrence of constituents’ – including contaminants – in PWP’s treated water that have concentrations greater than the PHG levels established by CalEPA and the Maximum Contaminant Level Goals (MCLGs) established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These goals are the level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health.
The report includes a description of the types of public health risks, treatment methods if available, and related estimated costs.
According to CalEPA requirements, PWP should provide the public the opportunity to review and comment on the PHG Report. The City Council is also required to accept and approve the PHG Report.
To view the PHG Report, visit PWP’s webpage in the water quality section at
Aside from the PHG Report, PWP is also required to publish a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) on an annual basis and distribute this among its customers. PWP published its 2021 CCR on July 1. This can be accessed through and is also available in the PWP water quality section at
Pasadena sources more than 60 percent of the City’s water supply from imported water purchased from the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) of Southern California, while the rest is provided from local groundwater sources.
The City maintains eighteen groundwater wells, nine of which are considered “inactive” by the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Division of Drinking Water (DDW). The City also has five interconnections with MWD and several more with other water retailers.
In the PHG Report for the City Council, PWP said the City’s drinking water meets all California SWRCB’s DDW and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) drinking water standards set to protect public health. All constituents that have been identified in the report are below the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) after treatment via the City’s Monk Hill Treatment System (MHTS) or other rigorous blending plans. To reduce the constituents further would be at an additional treatment process, which would be costly to the City, PWP said.
Tuesday’s Municipal Services Committee meeting begins at 4 p.m. Members of the public may be able to access it through and
Public comments are welcome. Anyone wishing to make a public comment during the meeting is advised to submit a speaker card at