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PCC Offers CSU Transferable English Degree

Published on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 | 5:45 pm

Pasadena City College now offers students transferable English degrees as part of a pathway to the California State University system (CSU). A leader in transferable degrees to the CSU system, PCC now offers 13 options for students. In addition to English, degrees in art history, business administration, communication studies, geology, history, mathematics, physics, psychology, sociology, studio arts, and theater arts are available for transfer.

Degree Pathways were created as a result of the Student Transfer Agreement Reform Act (SB 1440 – Padilla). The legislation enables the California Community Colleges and California State University to collaborate on the creation of associate in arts degree and associate in science degree transfer programs. The new law requires community colleges to grant an associate degree for transfer to a student once he/she has met specified general education and major requirements for the degree. Upon completion of the associate degree, the student is eligible for transfer with junior standing into the CSU system.

The English degree focuses on composition, creative writing, reading, and a rich variety of literature courses ranging from surveys of British and American literature to classes such as Modern Drama that speak to a particular interest.
The degree allows students to develop and enhance their critical thinking and written and verbal communication skills.

Students who complete the English or any PCC transferable degree are given guaranteed admission into the CSU system, and further are given priority consideration when applying to a particular program that is similar to the student’s community college major.

For information on the PCC English transfer degree, call (626) 585-3231. For more information on any PCC transfer degree, please go to


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