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PCC Teams with City of Pasadena to Fill Workforce Gap in Utility Industry

New Electrical Engineering Course to be Offered

Published on Thursday, May 26, 2011 | 8:31 pm

Pasadena City College will be offering an electrical engineering course beginning June 27 to expose students to career opportunities in utilities with the City of Pasadena. The City of Pasadena Department of Water and Power (PWP) is experiencing a severe shortage of highly trained utility workers to fill positions in the water and power utility industry. This course will create a career pathway that will train students for a utility field career.

Electricity 248A, which will run from June 27 through Aug. 4, will emphasize electrical fundamentals for electrical distribution, electrical repair, and pole climbing. The curriculum was designed by Joe Awad, assistant general manager of the Pasadena Power Delivery Division, and Douglas Haines, dean of the PCC Engineering and Technology Division.

In the future, the City of Pasadena will join PCC faculty in the design and delivery of other courses to improve skill and knowledge of our current and future employees.

For more information, please contact Haines at (626) 585-7114 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (626) 585-7114 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

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