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PCC Trustee Sandra Chen Lau Announces Reelection Bid

Published on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 | 5:54 am

Pasadena Community College Trustee Sandra Chen Lau announced Tuesday that she will seek a second term on the Board of Trustees in the June 7th election.

“I love PCC and I’m a true believer in the mission of our community colleges. Serving on the Board is tremendously rewarding, and with the voters’ support, I hope to continue.”

“Obviously, the past two years have been dominated by the pandemic.  It has been inspiring to see the college community pull together to meet the challenge.  I am proud to have helped lead that effort, and I’m confident that PCC will emerge from this crisis stronger than ever.  We are financially strong, our students, faculty and staff are resilient, and we are making badly-needed major improvements on campus.”

“If re-elected, I will focus on academic excellence, improving community outreach to help recruit more local students, and ensuring that every PCC student has a full opportunity to succeed.  I believe voters share those goals and I ask for their support on June 7th.”

Trustee Chen Lau will be running in the newly redistricted 1st District, which includes La Cañada-Flintridge plus the Linda Vista, San Rafael, West Pasadena, Old Pasadena, Madison Heights and Oak Knoll neighborhoods of Pasadena.

Along with Chen Lau’s statement, her campaign released an endorsement list featuring dozens of local educational and civic leaders, including former PCC President, State Senator and California Community Colleges Chancellor Jack Scott; Pasadena Mayor Victor Gordo and La  Cañada-Flintridge Mayor Terry Walker; former Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard and Pasadena Councilmember Steve Madison; former La  Cañada/Flintridge Mayor, PCC Foundation Chair and State Senator Carol Liu; Congress Members Judy Chu and Adam Schiff; Assembly Member and former Pasadena Mayor Chris Holden; State Senator and former La  Cañada-Flintridge Mayor Anthony Portantino.

While many offices on the June ballot are primaries, for PCC candidates this will be the general election.  Whichever candidate wins a plurality of the vote on June 7th will be elected to the Board of Trustees.

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