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Ofelia Arellano Assumes Role as PCC’s Dean of Academic Affairs

Published on Friday, January 11, 2013 | 4:45 pm

Pasadena City College is pleased to welcome the new dean of Academic Affairs, Ofelia Arellano. In her new position, she will participate in the curriculum development process in cooperation with the PCC Academic Senate; assess needs for new instructional programs and services; and assist in the development, implementation and evaluation of new instructional and learning assistance and student development programs.

“I was extremely impressed with the historical background of PCC and the number of accomplished individuals who are alumni like Jaime Escalante and Jackie Robinson,” Arellano said. “PCC has also established impressive priorities and strategies that all focus on access and student success. This was appealing and factored into my decision to select PCC as an institution that matched my personal values and educational philosophy.”

Arellano comes to PCC from Santa Barbara City College, where she served as vice president in the Continuing Education Division. There, she helped to plan, organize and direct district-wide instructional programs and student services. She also established a Spanish literacy program for immigrants in collaboration with the Mexican Consulate and Mexico’s Department of Education, and helped raise scholarship and discretionary funds for non-credit students and programs.

Arellano earned her Ph.D. at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she studied counseling psychology. She has worked in the education field for more than 20 years, and now she is bringing her broad and diverse areas of expertise to PCC.

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