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PEF Summer Program Offers High School Students Career Exploration Opportunities

Published on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 | 6:06 pm

As summer approaches, Pasadena Education Foundation (PEF) is gearing up to offer high school students an opportunity to explore career paths, learn new skills, and prepare for college. The non-profit organization has partnered with industry professionals from ArtCenter College of Design, California College of Music, and College Access Plan to offer a range of courses that last for a few weeks, with a deep dive into a particular topic.

According to PEF, the courses aim to provide students with hands-on experience while also allowing them to share their talents and have fun. Students can register for courses in music tech and recording, photography, and visual art studio. They can also participate in the College Champions summer program, which is a youth leadership opportunity for rising high school seniors.

For students who wish to give back to their community, PEF is also offering a Summer Youth Leaders program, where high school students can volunteer to mentor younger students in the K-8 Summer Enrichment Program classes.

With over 80 classes to choose from, volunteers can expand their leadership skills while helping others.

Classes will be taught by experienced local professionals and instructors, like Atilio Pernisco, a full-time fine artist-illustrator and ArtCenter instructor, and Gail Howland, a professional photographer. The courses will take place at various locations throughout Pasadena.

PEF encourages students to register before May 12 to secure a spot as classes fill up fast. Interested students and their parents can visit to learn more and sign up.


Music Tech & Recording

Come learn about the music industry from the pros at the California College of Music. Week one will focus on song ideas and introduction to Apple Logic Pro, while week two takes your creations into the recording studio for a more finished product. No instruments or prior experience needed, just a love of music. The is a hands-on course taught in the professional recording studios at California College of Music. Length: 2 weeks


Learn the art of photographic expression and discover career paths from a professional photographer. Emphasis will be on technical fundamentals and personal image capture. Photography masters will be studied for their approach to genres such as street photography, portraiture, and black-and-white imagery. Digital cameras provided, but students are encouraged to bring their own if available. Length: 3 weeks.

Photography is taught by Art Center instructor and fine arts photographer Gail Howland.

Visual Art Studio

Students of all skill levels learn drawing techniques including rendering, shading, and perspective through exercises designed to help understand each of the thought processes involved in drawing and illustrating. Artists will learn about line, form, sketching, shading, color, and many more techniques while they explore career paths as an artist. Class is held at Eliot Arts Magnet. Length: 5 weeks

Visual Art Studio is taught by Atilio Pernisco, a full-time fine artist-illustrator and Art Center instructor.

College Champions

College Champions summer program, with the College Access Plan, is a youth leadership opportunity for rising high school seniors. Students will complete college lists, essays, and resumes; hone their leadership skills; and train to serve as peer mentors in their school and local communities. Seniors who successfully complete the summer workshops will earn a leadership certificate. Length: 3 weeks

Summer Youth Leader Volunteers

Expand your leadership skills while you mentor younger students in our K-8 Summer Enrichment Program classes. Choose from more than 80 classes that need your help (from visual art to robotics).

Don’t miss your chance to explore career paths, prepare for college, and acquire important life skills this summer. Sign up now.

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