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Pepperdine University’s Dr. Louis Cozolino to Speak at Aveson School of Leaders

Published on Wednesday, May 1, 2013 | 11:15 am

Dr. Louis Cozolino, a respected leader in the field of neuropsychotherapy and a psychology professor at Pepperdine University, will speak, answer questions and sign books at the Aveson School of Leaders in Altadena on May 15, it was announced today.

Dr. Louis Cozolino, a psychotherapist, is author of “The Social Neuroscience of Education.”

Dr. Cozolino’s appearance will be at the school’s auditorium, 1919 E. Pinecrest Drive, between 6:30 pm. to 8:30 p.m. on May 15.

The author of several previous works on social neuroscience—the study of how human brains are hardwired to connect with one another—Cozolino argues in his latest book that this same understanding can “inform, impact, and radically change” our approach to education, according to a news statement.

Most would agree that the American public education system could certainly use overhauling, but the difficulty lies in identifying how best to fix it, according to the statement.

Dr. Cozolino suggests the place to begin is with the understanding that the human brain is a social organ and that its natural habitat for growing is in the context of secure attachment bonds and nurturing relationships.

For more information about Dr. Cozolino’s appearance at the Aveson School of Leaders, call (626) 797-1440.

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