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Planning Commission OKs Review Of Construction-Noise Regulations

Rules for Detached Garages Also Face Amendment

Published on Thursday, July 23, 2020 | 4:52 am

The Pasadena Planning Commission on Wednesday approved two future amendments to the Zoning Code that would affect single-family residential developments.

By a 9-0 vote, commissioners agreed to have Department of Planning and Community Development staff work on specifics regarding:

* New standards for basement excavations in single-family residential neighborhoods – a response to recent complaints of excessive noise and vibrations from such projects; and,

* Adjusting the entitlement process related to construction of detached garages in front of houses in the Hillside Overlay District.

Existing regulations regarding noise and vibrations generated by basement excavations prohibit construction in any residential district or within a 500-foot radius during any time other than 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday.

The current ordinance also prohibits operation of any powered construction equipment exceeding 85 decibels, measured within 100 feet from such equipment.

But recent complaints by some residents prompted the Department of Planning and Community Development to recommend exploring changes.

The department said there are currently no established regulations for construction-related vibrations, except for projects subject to CEQA standards.

Commissioner Michael Coppess said he supported the commission doing “whatever we can do to strengthen’’ the current city guidelines.

Meanwhile, the entitlement process related to construction of detached garages in front of primary houses in the Hillside Overlay District will also be reviewed, per the Planning Commission’s vote on Wednesday.

According the Department of Planning and Community Development’s recommendations to the Planning Commission, the public’s input will be sought in the coming weeks via a virtual community meeting regarding both proposed Zoning Code amendments.

Subsequently, staff would craft specific changes that would be brought back to the Planning Commission in the fall.

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