[City of Pasadena]
Pasadena’s Planning Commission has scheduled a meeting on Wednesday to conduct a study session on the City’s North Lake Avenue Specific Plan.
During the information session, staff will present an update on the Plan focusing on revised plan boundaries, subarea concepts, and the vision, goals, and policies that will guide future development in the plan area.
The North Lake Avenue Specific Plan area generally encompasses North Lake Avenue, north of the I-210 freeway, from East Maple Street to Elizabeth Street. Also included are the area bounded by East Villa Street to the north, North Wilson Avenue to the east, East Maple Street to the south and El Molino Avenue to the west, and the area along East Washington Boulevard, between North El Molino Avenue and North Catalina Avenue.
The latest draft would remove the eastern portions of the surface parking lots at CVS and La Villa Lake Apartments that front North Mentor Avenue from the Plan. Both were removed in order to ensure consistency with their existing Low Density Residential land use designation on the Land Use Diagram and corresponding Landmark District 1 (Bungalow Heaven) zoning district.
Two additions into the plan area include the western rear portion of the McDonald’s site along Boylston Street and the western rear portion of the Pasadena Covenant Church site, between Santa Barbara Street and E. Villa Street, both of which are parking lots for their respective uses. Details of all proposed boundary changes will be presented at the meeting.
The plan includes Land Use Element policies specific to the North Lake Avenue Specific Plan and identifies how the plan relates to other planning documents such as the Bicycle Transportation Action Plan, Pasadena Street Design Guide, Master Street Tree Plan, and Pasadena Climate Action Plan.
Pasadena’s Specific Plans are an important tool that regulate development and manage growth. As part of the program, these plans will be updated with neighborhood-specific design and development standards that reflect the community’s vision. There are eight specific plans in the City, the Central District, East Colorado, East Pasadena, Fair Oaks/Orange Grove, Lamanda Park, Lincoln Avenue, North Lake and South Fair Oaks.
The meeting will be held at the Council Chambers, Pasadena City Hall at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, Jan. 10. The address is 100 North Garfield Avenue, Room S249. The City said members of the public are encouraged to attend the meeting and participate in the public comment period.