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Reverend Canon Lynn Jay Concludes 12-Year Tenure at All Saints Church Pasadena

Trailblazing Episcopal priest leaves lasting impact on diocese and national church

Published on Sunday, July 21, 2024 | 5:18 am

The Reverend Canon Lynn Jay, a pioneering figure in the Episcopal Church, has ended her 12-year tenure as part of the adjunct clergy team at All Saints Church in Pasadena, California.

The church announced Jay’s departure in a Facebook post on July 1, celebrating her final service on July 14. Jay was among the first women ordained to the priesthood in the Diocese of Los Angeles.

Her ministry has significantly influenced the work and witness of her congregation at St. Stephen’s in Santa Clarita, as well as the broader diocese and national church, according to the Facebook post.

Jay played a crucial role in developing the first diocesan policies addressing clergy misconduct in the 1980s. She also served as one of the initial women clergy deputies to the General Convention.

A native of Southern California, Jay began her career as a teacher for the Los Angeles Unified School District while also fulfilling her duties as a mother. She later pursued theological studies at the School of Theology in Claremont.

Jay spent five years studying in seminary before being ordained as a minister in 1983 at the age of 41 and priested at All Saints’, Pasadena. She served two years at St. Andrews and St. Charles in Granada Hills before spending 23 years at St. Stephen’s in Santa Clarita.

In 1993, Jay made history as the first woman elected to lead the Los Angeles Episcopal Diocese’s delegation to the denomination’s triennial General Convention the following year.

After retiring in 2011, Jay served as the Chaplain to the Retired Clergy of the Diocese.

All Saints Church, where Jay concluded her tenure, is part of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles. Known as one of Southern California’s most liberal churches and one of the largest Episcopal churches in the country, it occupies its third building.

The church was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980 as a Contributing Structure to the Pasadena Civic Center District.

The church praised Jay’s contributions, stating, “Her gifts as pastor, preacher, teacher and colleague will be greatly missed as she and husband David begin this new chapter in their retirement journey.”

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