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Sierra Madre City Council Selects a Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem, Swears in New City Clerk and City Treasurer

Published on Thursday, April 28, 2016 | 4:52 pm

On Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at the Reorganization Meeting, Gene Goss was selected as the new Mayor by fellow Council Members. Rachelle Arizmendi was selected as the Mayor Pro-Tem.

Goss and Arizmendi will serve in their respective roles for one-year.

At the meeting, retiring City Clerk Nancy Shollenberger sworn in Council Members, John Capoccia and John Harabedian who were elected to serve a second four-year term in the election held on April 12, 2016.

Shollenberger, in her last act as City Clerk after 32 years of service, also swore in the new City Clerk, Melina Carrillo and new City Treasure Mike Amerio.

A long-time resident of Sierra Madre, Gene Goss was first elected to City Council in April of 2014. He holds degrees in Political Science from Linfield College and the University of Southern California, and is a Professor of Political Science at Long Beach City College. He has served in a variety of leadership roles at the College including Department Head, Faculty Association President, Technology Committee Chair and Faculty Advisor/Sponsor to the Political Science Student Association.

Mayor Goss previously served as Vice Chair of the Sierra Madre Public Library Board of Trustees and is the Founder and Chair of Village Vine Online. For many years he has served as a Coach/Manager for teams in Sierra Madre Little League and he serves as Little League Game Announcer for Village Vine Online Little League Webcasts. He has also volunteered in Boy Scouts of America.

The Sierra Madre City Council is comprised of five members elected to four-year terms. The Council is responsible for general City policy, as well as for the appointment of the City Manager, City Attorney, and members of the City’s Boards and Commissions. The honorary positions of Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem rotate among the five elected members of the City Council, and are selected each year in April.



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