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Sierra Madre Episcopal Church of the Ascension: From the Ministry Intern, Marianne Zahn, “2012 Lenten Series”

Published on Wednesday, February 29, 2012 | 3:38 pm

During the time at Ascension, it was noticed that a growing utilization of electronic resources and a greater internet presence. For some, there is some discomfort with, and perhaps even resistance to, the use of these modern technologies. But this discomfort is actually a good thing because wherever there is tension, it often means God is starting something new. Lent is a perfect time to shake up the assumptions and to see things in new ways. For the upcoming Lenten series, the church would like to step into that tension and explore with its members what God might be saying – not only through new media, but also in the culture at large. How might God be speaking to us in our ministries and relationships at Ascension?

Even when there is a disagreement with the author’s opinions, there is that realization that there is still something that can be learned from books and other print media that present ideas that provoke its constituents. In the same way, its constituents can also learn to “read” the culture for deeper meaning even if its members don’t personally find entertainment value in the songs of Katy Perry or the
vampire antics of TV’s True Blood. Each week of the series, the church will use clips and materials from one-of-five different areas of culture: music, film, TV, web media, and food as prompts for discussion.. Then in small groups, the church will reflect on ways that Scripture and church tradition might interact with these “cultural artifacts.” Finally, together there will be an attempt to discern what the interaction between the church’ religious heritage and theology and today’s culture might be calling the church members towards as individuals and/or as a church.

If this sounds like a tall order, it is! But there is this hope that the members will join the church and help spark what should at least be some interesting
conversations. The Lenten Series begins Wednesday, February 29th and continues through March 28th. Please see the calendar for location times.

Sierra Madre Episcopal Church of the Ascension, 25 East Laurel Avenue, Sierra Madre, (626) 355-1133 or visit

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