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Suspects Arrested For Residential Burglary

Published on Friday, September 19, 2014 | 12:40 pm

On Thursday, September 18th, at about 1:00 pm, an alert resident in the 800 block of Rollin St. heard their neighbor’s house alarm activate across the street. The resident looked out their window and saw two subjects running down their neighbor’s driveway towards the street, then continue running westbound along Rollin St. towards an area known locally as the “snake trail.”

An officer arrived on scene about a minute after receiving the call and located both subjects in the area of Via Del Rey and Flores de Oro. One subject, later identified as 22 year-old Kenny Wayne Franklin of Lakewood, CA, was taken into custody immediately. The other subject, later identified as 26 year-old Michael Lynn Ward of Los Angeles, CA, fled the area on foot.

A containment of the area was quickly established and mutual aid was requested from neighboring law enforcement agencies. After an approximately 2 1/2 hour search of the area, a K-9 and combined search team from the Pasadena and South Pasadena Police Departments located Ward hiding in the 1300 block of Meridian Av. Ward was then taken into custody.

Jewelry was located in the possession of Ward that is believed to be stolen. SPPD detectives are continuing their investigation in an attempt to locate the rightful owner of the jewelry. If you believe the jewelry might be yours, please contact SPPD detectives at 626-403-7280.

Both subjects are scheduled to be arraigned in Alhambra Superior Court on Monday, September 22nd, at 8:30 am.

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