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The Church of Scientology Celebrates a Year in Pasadena

Scientology Church celebrates its first year in Old Pasadena with community involvement and contribution high on its list of priorities.

Published on Friday, August 5, 2011 | 9:01 am

Scientology Church celebrates its first year in Old Pasadena with community involvement and contribution high on its list of priorities.

On Saturday, July 30,  the Church of Scientology of Pasadena hosted “Reversing Hunger—A Forum on the Most Basic Human Right.” The event was the latest in a series of community services and activities the Church has initiated, supported or sponsored over the past year since its July 2010 grand opening. 

Pasadena Scientologists manned a drug-education and prevention booth at Villa Park last August to help make the city’s annual “National Night Out” a success. 

In September, members of the Pasadena Church were key players in organizing and staging the 10th annual “Say No to Drugs” Race at the Pasadena Rose Bowl, held in coordination with the Drug Enforcement Agency’s “Take-Back” initiative, which focuses on curbing prescription drug abuse.  Runners and fans alike returned home with copies of the Truth About Drugs series of drug-education booklets, distributed by volunteers from the Church’s “Say No to Drugs” group. 

The environmentally conscious Church made news on Earth Day in April when local media reported, “It seemed fitting indeed that an Earth Day bicycle tour of Pasadena should end at the Church of Scientology of Pasadena’s 58,084-square-foot, newly certified LEEDS [Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design] energy efficient headquarters building on South Raymond Avenue.”

In May, the City of Pasadena’s Historic Preservation Commission, the California State Assembly and the California State Senate recognized the Church for its achievements in historical preservation.

Over the past 12 months, hundreds of local residents have enrolled in Life Improvement Courses offered by the Church, short courses that help the individual address everyday life issues such as relationship difficulties, coping with work or financial stress, raising children, and dealing with drug abuse, study problems and challenges to personal integrity.

The Church of Scientology of Pasadena is open to the public Monday through Friday 9 a.m.—10 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m.—6 p.m.  Visitors are welcome to tour the Church’s extensive first-floor Public Information Center containing multimedia displays illustrating Scientology beliefs, the life and legacy of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard and the full array of Church-sponsored social betterment and community outreach programs.

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