The Sierra Madre Police Department arrested several suspects for residential burglary. The suspect(s) entered unlocked residences and vehicles to steal property. The department has recovered several items of property believed to be stolen. In an effort to determine the legitimate owner of the property, the recovered items will be on display on the police department’s web site.
You can go to the following link on the City’s Web Site to view photographs of the recovered property under the file(s) named SMPD case # 130652 and/or SMPD case # 140071. The link will be available for viewing between April 1, 2014 to April 30, 2014.
If you have been a victim of burglary during the past year, please look through the listed photographs and identify property by the image number. Once you have identified property you believe may belong to you please call to arrange an appointment with the Sierra Madre Police Department Detective Bureau. You must provide a police report and/or proof that the items you have selected belong to you. The proof can be in the form of a photograph depicting you wearing the item, a serial number, or a receipt clearly describing the property.
Upon receiving proof of ownership, a detective will present it to the court and a judge will make the final determination if the item will be released to you.