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The Sixteenth Annual Masters in the Park

Maranatha High School, April 25, 2020

Published on Monday, February 17, 2020 | 3:57 pm

Southern California artists and patrons are invited to the 16th Annual “Masters in the Park”, Saturday, April 25, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Maranatha High School in Pasadena.

Milford Zornes was an avid supporter of MVAL and this special event, so proceeds are used in his memory to offer art scholar-ships to dedicated art students and grants to art departments of schools within the area.

2020 Master Artists

• Debbie Abshear wc
• Julie Crouch wc
• Lynne Fearman oil
• Chuck Kovacic oil
• Calvin Liang oil
• Richard Martinez wcl
• Pete Morris wc
• Richard Piña charcoal
• Jason Situ oil
• Joseph Stoddard wc
• Ray Tucker acrylic
• Brian Zheng oil

Plan to spend the day moving from one Master Artist to another. Or bring your sketchbook and painting materials and plan to paint along side your favorite Master Artist. In additon to being able to admire the beautiful Maranatha High School (MHS) campus, this year you are also welcome to stroll though the adjacent Ambassador Gardens Estates. Plan to stay the entire day and enjoy art, music & food!

At 2:30pm, the Master Artists will gather on the patio and speak about their process and
share the art that they created.

Artwok is for sale. In addition to the artwork created that day, Master artists may have seveal pieces on display at the Master artist EZ-up near the registration table. Sales are handled directly with the Master artist.

Maranatha High School is located at 169 S. Saint John Ave. in Pasadena.






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