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Three More Pasadena Unified Schools Reopen Wednesday

District expands the return to in-person learning following environmental testing

Published on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 | 6:19 am

Pasadena Unified Superintendent Dr. Elizabeth Blanco (second from right) and School Board President Jennifer Hall Lee (far right) greet a youngster on as recent morning as the District reopens most campuses and programs after closure forced by the Eaton Fire. [Pasadena Unified photo]
The Pasadena Unified School District is reopening three additional schools on Wednesday, January 29, bringing the total number of students back in classrooms to 6,700. The reopening follows comprehensive environmental testing and cleaning after this month’s Eaton Fire.

Don Benito Fundamental, Sierra Madre Elementary, and Sierra Madre Middle School will welcome students back today.

“We are making progress in reopening our schools and getting students into learning environments of calm routine,” said Superintendent Dr. Elizabeth Blanco. “Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our students, employees and school communities. We recognize the concerns about wildfire impacts and are committed to providing transparent and timely information.”

The District said it hired Envirocheck, a certified environmental testing provider, to assess soot, char, ash, and pH levels within the affected buildings.

The testing included extensive examination of multiple contact points, the Districr reported. Testing areas included door handles, lobby desktops, cabinet tops, storage shelves, center carpets, and window areas. The analysis noted common indoor elements like skin cells, insect fragments, pollen, mold spores, and construction material fibers, though their presence doesn’t indicate abnormal levels.

Testing followed industry-standard protocols using state-of-the-art equipment to measure fire-related contaminants with high precision, according to the District.

Following recommendations from an industrial hygienist and in collaboration with multiple agencies — including the California Department of Education, California Department of Emergency Services, Los Angeles County Public Health Department, and United States Environmental Protection Agency — the District ordered contractors to remove two inches of sand from playgrounds and irrigated school fields.

Separately, the Air Quality Management District reports that lead and asbestos levels in the Los Angeles Basin have returned to pre-fire background levels.

The District will monitor air quality daily using California Department of Public Health guidelines. When concerns arise, administrators will implement emergency procedures including keeping students indoors, restricting outdoor activities, and providing additional monitoring for students with pre-existing heart or lung conditions.

The City of Pasadena’s Public Health Department has created a guide with tips and resources to help families cope with disasters. Detailed environmental test results and FAQs are available on the District’s website at

The next phase of reopenings is scheduled for January 30.

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