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Two-Week Algebra Jumpstart Class for PUSD Ninth Graders

Give your PUSD ninth-grader a leg-up on Algebra enroll them in the PUSD Algebra Jumpstart Class

Published on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 | 1:22 pm

The Pasadena Unified School District’s (PUSD) is offering an intensive two-week Algebra-readiness class to give incoming ninth graders a jumpstart in high school math before the start of the new academic year.   The free class begins August 23 at Blair IB School’s East Campus.

“The Jumpstart class gives incoming ninth graders an opportunity to brush up on their math skills and get an extra boost before starting high school in September,” said Superintendent Edwin Diaz. “This is one targeted way that PUSD is ensuring that students graduate prepared to succeed in college and in their careers.”

Students will learn key concepts and get an intensive foundation for Algebra.  The class is limited to students who will enter ninth grade in PUSD schools in September. Students will earn a pass/fail for completing the class, but will not earn additional credits.

The two week class is Monday, August 23 through Friday, September 3, 2010. Classes are 8:45 a.m. – noon at Blair IB School, East Campus, located at 1201 S. Marengo Ave., Pasadena.

On the first day, August 23, students must arrive at 8:00 a.m. to register.

Space is limited.  To enroll, please call the PUSD High School, College & Career Pathways office at (626) 396-3600, extension 88423.

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