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Work on Cordova Capital Improvement Project Underway

Published on Thursday, May 25, 2023 | 5:47 pm

Construction has started on the Cordova Complete Street capital improvement project. 

This project will install a 1.5-mile Class II designated bike lane in both directions on Cordova Street from Hill Avenue to Arroyo Parkway, according to a memo to City Manager Miguel Márquez from Public Works Director Tony Olmos, and transportation director Laura Rubio-Cornejo. 

The project will also include street improvements to enhance the use of this east-west corridor for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles. 

The new complete street configuration will consist of one traffic lane and a Class II bike lane in each direction, a painted median, parking on both sides of the street, and curb extensions to enhance pedestrian safety and reduce pedestrian crossing times. 

This project will also incorporate modifications at nine signalized intersections for safer interaction amongst all modes of transportation, as well as landscape beautification and stormwater capture installations. 

The project was initiated by the City’s Department of Transportation and was included as part of the City’s Bicycle Transportation Action Plan developed with input from Pasadena’s residents and business community and adopted by City Council in 2015. 

Upon design completion and advertising the project for bids, City Council awarded the construction contract to California Professional Engineering, Inc. on August 8. 

Construction started in April and the project is anticipated to be completed by the end of the calendar year. 

The Department of Public Works is managing the construction activity, with the goal of minimizing temporary construction impacts to the public. 

Construction will be phased to ensure one lane of traffic and access to properties are maintained at all times. 

Additional project information and construction updates will be posted on the project’s web page here.

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