Pasadena Foursquare Church (PFC) is getting reading for its epic Halloween party, “Halloweenland,” an outdoor Halloween festival for all ages, on Sunday, Oct. 30, 1:30 to 6:30 p.m. at 174 Harkness Ave. in Pasadena.
For decades, “Halloweenland” has provided a safe place where families can have fun, encounter imagination in reality, and receive lots of candy on Halloween night. It will be the same on Sunday afternoon when PFC hosts free games, candy, and interactive fun for the whole family. Also, no Halloweenland would be complete without PFC’s famous cakewalks.
A food truck will be onsite at affordable prices, plus $1 carnival treats, raffles, laser tags, and a costume contest. Wally’s Playground will be open to the public for young kids and their families to experience age appropriate games and activities.
You can help PFC spread the word and get others involved. Just use the flyer that you can download here, and you can give them away to invite those you know to get in on the fun.
Candy donations are now also being received; just drop candy off any Sunday in the sanctuary foyer, or donate financially online at
For more information, call (626) 792-1803.