The Sierra Madre Playhouse presents “Di Lady Di,” a musical about the life and struggles of Princess Diana, written and performed by Charlotte Munson. The play offers an unflinching look into the heart and mind of an icon in turmoil, with a runtime of 90 minutes and a 15-minute intermission.
The show features music by Richard Munson, and Charlotte Munson’s performance is described as agile, shifting effortlessly between moments of silly mockery and understated sensuality. The play offers a tight and entertaining piece of musical theatre with clever staging and stunning vocal performances. Consumer advisory: instances of strong language. TeenTix passholders are welcome to the production.
The show is playing on Friday, February 24, 2023, at 8:00 p.m., and the tickets cost $27.00 – $47.00. The production will follow all county COVID-19 protocols, and the wearing of face masks is currently required.
For more information, contact 626-355-4318 or visit