Pasadena-based Huntington Medical Research Institutes (HMRI), a pioneer in scientific research dedicated to unraveling diseases of the heart and brain, hosted its annual recognition event at the home of HMRI Board Chair John Babcock and his wife Laura Babcock.
“Laura and I are pleased to welcome the HMRI researchers and their supporters to our garden to celebrate the remarkable science and scientists at HMRI,” said Babcock. “This afternoon is not just about the collection of amazing scientists, researchers, and doctors here, but also our gratitude and pride that you’re here, and the fact that you chose to join us in giving back and investing in Pasadena and HMRI.”
HMRI President and CEO Julia E. Bradsher, Ph.D., MBA joined the hosts to provide a warm welcome for each of the arriving guests. Together they celebrated the impact HMRI donors have on scientific discovery, advances in heart and brain research, and student education. The garden party, filled with anticipation and excitement, began at 4 p.m. and featured a cocktail reception with hors d’oeuvres.
At the event, Bradsher announced the launch of the Legacy Society and extended an invitation for guests to become founding members by completing a bequest intention form before September 30. Legacy Society members will play a pivotal role in ensuring groundbreaking research continues flourishing for generations to come.
“We are extremely grateful to our generous hosts and donors who share our passion for propelling biomedical research forward,” stated Bradsher. “Scientific research and progress are why HMRI exists. I’m excited to lead HMRI and continue our 70-year legacy of scientific curiosity, ensuring a brighter, healthier, more hopeful future.”
This celebration of science and philanthropy was made possible by the generosity of Hilary J. Fausett, MD and Bret Fausett, James J. Femino, MD and Sue Femino, Lawrence W. Jones, MD and Mireya Jones, Susan Kane, Ph.D. and Jon Fuhrman, Ellen Lansden and Michael Farhang, Edward A. Mena, MD, MBA and Sophia Mena, MBA, Sandy Sharp, Ph.D. and Steve Sharp, Ph.D., Prakash Shrivastava, Ph.D. and Uma Shrivastava, and Sonia Singla, DO and Neil Singla, MD.
To learn more about the HMRI Legacy Society and other ways you can get involved with HMRI, email