Kaiser Permanente Medi-Cal Health Plan Rated Highest in California for Quality and Equitable Care

Published on Jan 25, 2023

KP member receiving 2nd dose of vaccine

The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has determined Kaiser Permanente’s Medi-Cal health plan to be the highest rated in the state for quality and equitable care. Kaiser Permanente Southern California is based in Pasadena.

Kaiser Permanente’s Medi-Cal health plans in Southern and Northern California were the only plans among more than two dozen in the state to achieve established quality levels for more than 90% of set measures, according to DHCS. Medi-Cal is California’s Medicaid health care program that covers many medical services for children and adults with limited income and resources.

“This recognition is a testament to Kaiser Permanente’s commitment to providing high-quality and affordable care, including to those with limited financial resources who deserve equal access to health care,” said Julie Miller-Phipps, president, Kaiser Permanente Southern California and Hawaii, Health Plan and Hospitals. “We’re committed to increasing access to our services across all the communities we serve in Southern California.”

Dr. Ramin Davidoff, executive medical director and chairman of the board of the Southern California  Permanente Medical Group, echoed those sentiments.

“We aim to meet the health care needs of all our members in every community that we serve, and that includes those with limited income,” he said. “We appreciate the trust that our 4.8 million members place in us when it comes to their health and well-being, and we’re committed to improving quality, access and service for all of our patients.”

To promote better health outcomes and preventive services, DHCS requires Medi-Cal plans to report annually on a set of quality measures associated with children’s preventive services, women’s health preventive services, chronic medical conditions and behavioral health conditions.

In addition to its Medi-Cal health plans being recognized as the best in California, Kaiser Permanente is also the only Medicare health plan in the state to receive a 5-star rating, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ 2023 Medicare Star Ratings.

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