More than a dozen local nonprofits in Pasadena, led by Day One, have come together to launch the Pasadena Summer Series – a fun, safe, socially distant series of activities and events designed to support youth and keep them engaged while they are staying at home.
Some of the activities started in June and ended earlier this month, while some are continuing into August. These events are aimed at providing youth in Pasadena some relief from the isolation, the lack of human interaction, and the boredom and depression that could result from being confined to their homes for almost five months now because of COVID-19 restrictions.
“As trusted organizations, it’s imperative for us to stay connected to our youth and community during this trying time,” Christy Zamani, executive director of Day One, said in a statement. “It’s through conversations and interactions that we’re able to listen, learn, and respond to the needs of the most vulnerable members of our community.”
The Pasadena Summer Series is a community collaboration among such groups as the Adelante Youth Alliance, the Armory Center for the Arts, the Boys and Girls Club of Pasadena, the College Access Plan, Compassionate Arts, the Flintridge Center, the Pasadena Education Foundation, the Pasadena Library, the Pasadena/Altadena Coalition of Transformative Leaders, Planned Parenthood, STARS and Young and Healthy, as well as Day One and the City of Pasadena.
Some of the events in the series include college and career workshops; ukulele classes; a youth rights and responsibilities orientation program; arts, design, gardening, and theater and improvisation classes; modified summer camp activities; virtual library events; and a LevelUP Youth Leadership Conference virtual series.
The series also includes virtual art and science projects, with themed games and activities and guest speakers.
Day One’s website lists the specific events in the Pasadena Summer Series and explains how to join. Some of the activities are conducted in person while practicing social distancing and other safety measures.
For more information, visit or email