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Positive Psychology for Tweens and Teens with Katie Hurley

Article and Photo courtesy of PARTNERSHIP FOR AWARENESS
Published on Jan 16, 2021

Partnership for Awareness presents Positive Psychology for Tweens and Teens with Katie Hurley on Thursday, January 21, at 7:00 p.m. via zoom.

Stress, pressure, and the general busyness of growing up in the modern world can trigger negative thought patterns in tweens and teens. Research shows that body image concerns are starting earlier than ever and that heavy social media use can trigger thoughts of self-doubt and symptoms of anxiety and depression when tweens and teens spend a lot of time comparing themselves to others. It’s a lot to process on any given day, and negative thinking can snowball quickly. The good news is that Tweens and teens can learn to tap into positive psychology to work through their intrusive thoughts and focus on their strengths, instead. This presentation helps parents and educators learn to spot the warning signs of negative thinking and assist tweens and teens in changing their mindsets by utilizing positive thinking skills rooted in Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

About the Speaker: Katie Hurley, LCSW, is a child and adolescent psychotherapist, parenting educator, public speaker, and writer. Hurley is the author of the award-winning No More Mean Girls: The Secret to Raising Strong, Confident, and Compassionate Girls. Hurley covers mental health, child and adolescent development, and parenting for The Washington Post, PBS Parents, Psychology Today, and US News and World Report.

Zoom Link:

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