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District 4 Candidate Bland Thanks Supporters

District 4 Candidate Says She Will Continue to Serve

Published on Friday, March 6, 2020 | 1:00 am

District 4 Candidate Char Bland expressed gratitude to her supporters and congratulated Incumbent Gene Masuda on his apparent victory.

“I want to thank each and every supporter from the bottom of my heart,” Bland said. “Running for public office is no easy endeavor, and I would not have gotten this far without your help. With my passion, leadership, and experience, I will continue working to make a difference by protecting the character of Pasadena, addressing affordable housing and homelessness, supporting students and parents, and listening to concerns of residents.”

In her statement Bland listed the community members who volunteered their time to make phone calls, endorsed her, knock on doors, and post lawn signs.

“Although the results are not what we were hoping for, my dedication to serving the community is far from over,” Bland said. “I am truly thankful to have learned so much throughout this process, and I look forward to continuing my involvement in the issues that face our city. I will always be proud to consider District 4 residents as family and the city of Pasadena as neighbors. Congratulations Councilman Masuda.”

As of Friday morning, the Los Angeles County Registrar/Clerk reported this count of votes as tallied so far in District 4 in this week’s elections:






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