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GAP’s Old Pasadena Location Closes

Published on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 | 6:04 am

The GAP store at 61 West Colorado Blvd. in One Colorado in Pasadena closed Sunday as part of a previously announced plan to shut down 230 stores in the U.S., Canada and the U.K.

GAP first opened a store in Pasadena in the early 1970s and had operated here since then at various locations.

Banana Republic, the clothing and accessories retailer that Gap Inc. owns, will remain open at 150 W. Colorado Blvd.

Athleta and Old Navy stores, both also owned by Gap Inc., also remain open in Pasadena.

About a block west, Forever 21’s former store stands empty, also shuttered this month in another sign of retail bloodletting as digital sales affect the marketplace.

In February last year, Gap Inc. said it was closing about 130 locations in 2019, with most of the closings in the fourth quarter into January 2020.

“We are committed to quickly, thoughtfully, and decisively addressing stores that are underperforming or don’t fit our vision for the future of Gap,” the company said in a statement on its website. “We are confident these closures will strengthen the health of the specialty fleet moving forward and will serve as a more appropriate foundation for brand revitalization.”

Old Navy in Pasadena is at 3369 E. Foothill Blvd. In Hastings Village, and Athleta is located at 46 W. Colorado Blvd.

Gap Inc. has said it plans to open more Old Navy and Athleta stores in the future.

For more information, visit, and

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