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Staff and Board Members Kick Off La Cañada Presbyterian Church Parent Education’s 37th Year

Published on Friday, October 16, 2015 | 12:42 am
LCPC Parent Education Board & Staff members enjoy retreat in Newport Beach: Front Row (L-R): Doreen Aitelli, Nicole Ravana, Lynne Graves, Sloan Walsh, Anne Bierling, Jana Van Dyck, Margaret Caldwell. Middle Row (L-R): Sandy Ravana, Meg Wade, Carol Van Citters, Mary Van Amringe, Jan Roberts, Katherine Loevinger, Katrina Harbers, Maggie Mason, Back Row (L-R): Nanette Brown, Julie Engler, Tracy Tobias, Sandy Padgett, Jennifer Genske, Elizabeth Flynn.

LCPC Parent Education kicked off its 37th year at its annual Board/Staff Retreat at Linda Fults’ home in Newport Beach. The retreat was led by Director, Anne Bierling, and provided an opportunity for Board and Staff members to plan for the upcoming year as well as discuss their new theme for the year: “Delight Yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4).. The 2015-2016 Parent Education Team includes 14 staff members, 12 volunteer board members, and 8 volunteers who serve on the Ministry Support Team and as Elders.

Parent Education Staff Members include: Anne Bierling (Porter Ranch), Nanette Brown (Altadena), Paige Dunbar (La Cañada), Elizabeth Flynn (La Cañada), Jana De Gange (Tujunga), Jennifer Genske (Altadena), Nicole Ravana (Glendale), Sandy Ravana (Glendale), Jan Roberts (La Cañada), Allie Schreiner (South Pasadena), Tracy Tobias (La Cañada), Mary Van Amringe (La Cañada), Jana Van Dyck (Sylmar), and Sloan Walsh (Altadena).

Volunteer Board Members who fundraise and host special events for Parent Education are: Doreen Aitelli (La Cañada), Margaret Caldwell (San Marino), Hillary Clayburgh (La Cañada), Julie Engler (La Cañada), Wendy Funkhouser (La Cañada), Lynne Graves (La Cañada), Katrina Harbers (La Crescenta), Katherine Loevinger (La Cañada), Maggie Mason (Glendale), Sandy Padgett (La Cañada), Carol Van Citters (Glendale), and Meg Wade (La Cañada).

Ministry Support Team members are all former board members who serve as an advisory council: Julie Engler (La Cañada), Melanie Frey (La Cañada), Lynne Graves (La Cañada), Julie Hale (La Cañada), Kathy Kovalcik (La Cañada), Sarah Nagel (La Cañada) and Sandy Padgett (La Cañada). Elder Liaisons who represent Parent Education on the LCPC Session are Scott Keys (La Cañada) and Lynne Graves (La Cañada).

About LCPC Parent Education

If you have a child 0-18, LCPC Parent Education has a class for you! To sign up for a class or experience a FREE LCPC class, go to or call (818) 790-6708 x 205. Day classes meet weekly September through May and attract approximately 400 participants from 22 different cities. Summer & night classes are also available. LCPC Parent Education has been touching families locally and globally for 37 years. La Cañada Presbyterian Church is located at 626 Foothill in La Cañada.


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